Ann Blanton Let's talk health, fitness, nutrition and everything in between

Posts Tagged ‘apple

Off we go into the wild blue yonder

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Leap of Faith

by Ann Blanton

Background: Don Yeager served four years in the Navy during the Vietnam war. For the last 15 years, he’s currently been working as a project lead for a company who writes technical maintenance for Honeywell’s aeronautical equipment. Because of personal problems, Yeager suffered a bout with depression at the age of 59. Eventually, he picked himself up, joined a gym and got himself back in shape. “Keeping active makes me feel good, look good and gives me a better frame of mind,” he says.

When he’s working out: At 63 years young, Yeager works out at the gym five days a week. Twice a week he works out with his trainer, Al Roos. The rest of the time, he manages on his own. He also enjoys tennis and takes a yoga class. He even took a “leap” of faith and did the unexpected. Yeager went skydiving and crossed it off his bucket list. “It took my breath away, but I accomplished something that was out of the ordinary. It would equate the experience to being a dust ball sucked into a vacuum,” he said. “I proved to myself that I could do it.”

When he’s not working out: Yeager finds  pleasure decorating and working on his house. He also enjoys working in his garden, traveling and socializing with others.

Staying Motivated: Yeager’s motivation is to feel good and stay young so he can enjoy retirement. “You have to do things for yourself to keep yourself motivated,” he says.

At meal times: Like most, Yeager likes a succulent lean piece of beef and mashed potatoes. He also indulges with a peanut butter or oatmeal raisin cookie.

However, he only treats himself to these tasty treats once a week. The rest of the time, he enjoys a hearty bowl of oatmeal topped with fresh blueberries, leafy green salads with tomatoes, sprinkled with cheese and drizzled with red wine vinaigrette, turkey or chicken breast and barbecued vegetables. To top things off, he enjoys homemade yogurt or a delicious Granny Smith apple.

Goals: Yeager wants to travel to Europe when he retires. He also wants to learn to play the piano and bungee jump. Most importantly, he plans to be healthy and happy.

I’ve had many articles published at Fitness Plus Magazine. Here’s the link to view them if you want to check them out.  Currently, I’ve just had my first creative story published as an anthology in a book titled, “Heartscapes”.

It takes a lot of dedication and commitment, no matter what your age.

Photo by puck90

I thought it would be a good idea to start posting some of my published articles on my blog. For those of you who are interested, you can read them here. “Mastering Metabolism”, was one of my first articles published. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Mastering Metabolism

by Ann Blanton

If you want a metabolism that blasts through fat like a vehicle burns through fuel, you’ll have to eat more food and exercise in a certain way.

When foods are absorbed, they’re broken down into proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and then digested by the body. This allows the body to function, grow and repair itself.

Many individuals believe that their metabolism slows down with time. This is true, because people become more sedentary. Your metabolism naturally slows approximately five percent every 10 years. But, regardless of what pace your body’s metabolism has, good nutrition and exercise are necessary to keep your body in perfect balance.

You’ll notice a significant difference in your metabolic rate if you eat a healthy breakfast every day. “A healthy breakfast gives you energy to start your day, especially when taking in carbohydrates from cereal and fruit,” says registered nutritionist Geoffrey Axiak.

Consume most of your calories early in the day. If possible, make dinner your smallest meal. Doing this helps your body to process and burn food while you’re awake and moving around.

Water is the most important source of nourishment for your body. “Water before breakfast purifies the body and makes your metabolism more efficient,” explains Axiak.

Because water is the body’s lubricant, it flushes out toxins and keeps the kidneys functioning properly.

Foods such as celery, cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower are considered high-energy foods. “Fruits, especially grapefruits and apples, will boost your metabolism,” says Axiak. Whole grains such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, barley, oatmeal and popcorn also are high-energy foods.

Cardiovascular exercise is one way to stimulate your metabolism. It makes your body use more calories, because the large muscle groups need more calories to perform during your aerobic activity. When your body sees this increased need, it drives its energy need during regular activity. After weeks and months of requiring more energy, you may see results through increased fat loss.

“Resistance training can also increase your life expectancy because it increases your capabilities by keeping your joints, bones and muscles stronger for longer so you can do more of the things that make up living,” comments Jonathan Ross, 2010 Idea Personal Trainer of the Year. “Aerobic activity might save your life, but strength training makes it worth living.”

I’ve had many articles published at Fitness Plus Magazine. Here’s the link to view them if you want to check them out. Currently, I just had my first short story titled, “Shattered Spirits”, published as an anthology in a book titled, “Heartscapes”.