Ann Blanton Let's talk health, fitness, nutrition and everything in between

Posts Tagged ‘calories

High fiber foods

Foods high in fiber

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Digestive Health – The facts on fiber and why it’s important

by Ann Blanton

If you want to reap the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, the key component is to eat a high fiber diet. Most people don’t even come close to consuming the amounts that are required on a daily basis. On average, most adults obtain as little as ten to fifteen grams of fiber a day.

What is it?

Fiber is a main factor for a healthy well-balanced diet. It’s a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest and comes from plant based foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and legumes. Without being broken down into nutrients, fiber passes completely through the digestive tract rather than being absorbed into the bloodstream.

Why it’s important

Fiber offers cancer fighting properties and prevent certain types of cancer. The edible section of plants are opposed to absorption and have maximum helpful elements to fight against disease..

Other health factors for a high fiber diet include: a reduction in blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, glucose levels and inflammation. It also promotes weight loss because it produces fullness in the intestines by decreasing food intake.

How much is enough

The recommended intake should consist of 14 grams for every one thousand calories you take in on a daily basis. So if you’re consumption is two thousand calories, you should be eating at least 28 grams of fiber.

To determine how much fiber is enough, depends on your age and gender. Women 50 and younger, should aim for 25 grams a day. Those 51 and over, should be getting 21 grams each day. Men 50 and younger, should include a maximum intake of 38 grams, and men 51 and over should try to get 30 grams on a daily basis.

Types of fiber

There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Soluble dissolves in water and is found in most fruits   It forms into a gel in the digestive tract and allows food to move quickly through the system. Soluble fiber also maintains healthy cholesterol levels and promotes a much healthier cardiovascular system. Insoluble fiber is quite the reverse and does not evaporate in liquid. Instead, it adds bulk to the stool and passes quickly through the stomach and intestines unless there is fat, protein or soluble fiber to slow down the process. Both types are recommended daily for a well-balanced diet.

Soluble fiber foods

The foods listed below foods are high in soluble fiber and are loaded with vitamins, minerals and nutrients and can also help reduce cholesterol levels.

Plums, pears, prunes

Grapefruits, oranges, lemons and limes


Brussel sprouts, broccoli



chick peas

kidney pinto and lima beans

Insoluble fiber foods

Foods that are high in insoluble fiber incorporate the kernel and the bran. The bran is the outer portion that covers the kernel. Here is a list of the following foods.

Whole grain breads and cereals

Wheat bran

Whole wheat flour, bread and cereal


Seeds and nuts


Beans, lentils and brown rice

Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and cranberries

Grapes and raisins



Peaches, pears, nectarines and apricots

Apples, oranges and melons

Leafy greens such as kale, spinach, lettuce and collards

Corn and peas such as snow, snap and pea pods

Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussel sprouts

Onions, shallots, leeks, scallions,  green peppers, celery and garlic


Cucumbers and tomatoes


You should never eat these foods alone or on an empty stomach. Insoluble fiber foods should always be eaten with large quantities of soluble fiber to keep the gastro colic reflex steady  This stimulates the movement into the gastrointestinal tract.


There are many health benefits from eating a  high fiber diet. Some of them are listed below:

Lowers bad cholesterol levels, LDL

Reduces the risk of certain types of cancer such as prostrate, breast, ovarian and uterine. According to clinical studies, there are conflicting results whether a high fiber diet can prevent colon cancer.

Lowers the risk of developing hemorrhoids and diverticular disease, which are small pouches in the colon

Improves blood sugar levels and Diabetes

Helps prevent heart disease

Relieves irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Reduces the formation of gallstones and kidney stones because it regulates blood sugar

Skin breakouts and rashes

Inhibits the severity of a stroke and the chances of recovery

Assists healthy weight management

So, get in your daily dose of fiber and greatly improve your health.

Always, I appreciate your feedback, so leave all your comments.

I’ve had many articles published at Fitness Plus Magazine. Here’s the link to view them if you want to check them out. I also had a story story published as an anthology in a book titled, “Heartscapes”.

John 6:35: And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life. He that cometh to me shall never hunger, and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

Girl sleeping

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Sleep deprivation and weight gain    

by Ann Blanton

Our bodies need the basic necessities to function properly. These requirements include: food, water and sleep.

Maybe you’ve been packing on the pounds but don’t know why. You’ve been eating a healthy diet and exercising, but instead of losing those unwanted pounds, you’re gaining. You’re doing whatever it takes, yet the numbers on the scale keep adding up.

Do you drink more coffee throughout the day and eat comfort foods to “boost” your energy levels? If this is the case, then you might want to ask yourself this question. Are you getting the adequate amount of sleep? If the answer is no, then perhaps sleep deprivation is sabotaging your ability to lose weight

How less sleep causes weight gain

Some researchers say it could be mayhem with your fat cells if you don’t get enough shut-eye; which can lead to weight gain and other health problems such as obesity and diabetes. New studies show that too little sleep and the quality of sleep may play an important role in the activity of hormones and appetite. Leptin and ghrelin are hormones that can equally affect the appetite.  

Because energy levels might be much lower with reduced sleep, an individual is  more likely to make inappropriate food choices and therefore, exercise less. The end result is obviously packing on the pounds. The ability to make good or bad food choices are often comprised when sleep is diminished.

New research shows that an additional 300 plus calories were consumed by women who have slept as little as four hours a night compared to those who sleep nine hours. Then again, men have been known to eat more than 200 calories with inadequate sleep patterns. Individuals who sleep less reported more cravings, usually foods that are high in carbohydrates, high fats and sugary foods. On the other hand, those who sleep more have less hunger.

So how much sleep do you need?

Each person has their own individual needs, but depending on age, determines how much sleep is required. Let’s take a look at some examples according to different stages of life.

Newborns -12-18

Infants – 14-15

Toddlers -12-14

Preschoolers – 11-13

School age children – 10-11

Teens – 8 – 9.50

Adults – 7-9

Individuals who get at least seven to nine hours each night, are more able to keep their weight controlled, have fewer cravings and less late night snacking.

So, if you’re a night owl and stay up late with late with David Letterman or Jay Leno,  it’s time to “hit” the sack earlier and get a few more zzz’s.

Tip:  Get in the habit of going to bed every night at the same time and get up at the same time each morning.

Scripture from Psalm 62:1 –  My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him.

As always, I appreciate all your comments.

I’ve had many articles published at Fitness Plus Magazine. Here’s the link to view them if you want to check them out. I’ve also had a short story titled, “Shattered Spirit”, published in a book of short stories titled, “Heartscape”.

Women walking

You can look and feel good at any age

photo by: Sangudo


Have you ever wondered why your sister in her fifties who leads a physically active lifestyle, looks forty something? What about your forty-year old best friend who has no physical activity and looks fifty?

With regular exercise, you can actually reverse the signs of aging by at least ten years. You no longer have to settle for that tummy bulge, arms that wave back and that sagging rear view. You can look just as attractive walking away as you do walking into a room. Now if that doesn’t get you motivated, nothing will.

Today, baby boomers have tossed all those excuses not to exercise out with yesterday’s trash. Studies show that baby boomers are becoming fit and active at fifty and beyond and are in the best shape of their lives.

Typically, when a person reaches a certain age, they’ve learned to accept most of their imperfections. Maybe you’ve made a promise to yourself to be in good shape by the time you hit the  big 5-0. Unfortunately, things don’t always turn out the way we plan. As we age, it’s more difficult to remain physically active.

Getting in shape has many benefits. It makes you look and feel better, gives you more energy, helps fight against cardiovascular disease, diabetes and even some types of cancer. It also helps you sleep better and improves your sex drive. When you feel confident about yourself, you feel more attractive. The possibilities are endless.

With that said, let’s explore other fundamentals that can help you stay healthy for many years to come.

Muscle Toning – There are a number of reasons why you should build strong beautiful muscles with strength training. Building muscle increases your metabolism, enhances energy, keeps your body in perfect balance, keeps your bones in ailment, supports your skeleton and burns calories at rest.

Fitness club owner Dan Neal, focuses mostly on baby boomers and the quality of life. Neal says, “As a person ages, the importance of muscle toning is a necessary factor because the older you become, the more muscle you lose. Toning keeps you stronger, more vibrant and helps to prevent injuries.”

Stretching – It’s just as important to stretch before and after a workout as it is to do the actual workout itself. Failure to stretch can make it difficult to achieve simple daily activities such as putting on your shoes or reaching for something on a shelf.  Lack of stretching can also cause muscle tightness, soreness and injury. A good way to improve flexibility is by doing a series of stretching exercises daily. According to Neal, stretching improves stiff joints as well as strengthens the stabilizer muscles.

Balance – You can learn balance techniques by practicing yoga. Balance building exercises are important so you can react in certain situations to prevent falling or breaking a hip.

Watch what you eat – It’s essential to learn the difference between which fats are healthy versus which ones are unhealthy. “Nuts, seeds, whole grains, beans and avocados are examples of good fats,” says licensed nutritionist, Patricia Harris. “Cakes, cookies, candy and soft drinks are a few examples of foods that contain empty calories so it’s important to avoid these foods,” states Harris.

In terminology, empty calories are described as foods that are high in energy, but low in vitamins, minerals, fiber and nutrients. That’s not to say that you have to eliminate these foods altogether, just enjoy them in moderation.

Because of the low quantities of sugar in fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, grapefruits, melons, oranges, broccoli, cauliflower and mushrooms, these foods keep you feeling full and satisfied longer.

So, if you’ve hit that important milestone or you know someone who has, it’s never too late to get in shape and stay fit and active for a lifetime.

I’ve had many articles published at Fitness Plus Magazine. Here’s the link to view them if you want to check them out. Recently, I just had my first short story titled, “Shattered Spirit”, published as an anthology, in “Heartscapes”.

Photo by jurveston

Reverse the Epidemic of Childhood Obesity

by Ann Blanton

As we already know, the world has gotten quick and easy. These days, all it takes is a drive-through at McDonald’s, or popping something simple into the microwave with a push of a button.

For decades, lack of exercise and poor eating habits have increased the population of childhood obesity. It’s easy to recognize, but much more difficult to treat.

So what should we do to reverse the epidemic of childhood obesity?

In today’s society, it takes both parents working to make ends meet. This means less time to plan and prepare the proper nutrition and no time for exercise.

Today’s generation, spends more time watching TV, sitting at a computer and playing video games.

Hence, what does this mean for our children and adolescents who are overweight or obese? If we want our children to adopt a healthy lifestyle, isn’t it up to us as parents and grandparents to reverse the epidemic and set better examples?

It’s just as important for parents to include physical activity into their busy lifestyles too. After a busy day at the office, most parents neither have the time or the energy to exercise. So moms and dads, if you’re thinking you can get off the hook easily, think again.

When you think of exercise, you instantly think of a gym membership. You don’t need a health club or expensive equipment to incorporate physical activity into your children’s lifestyle. If you already belong to  gym, that’s great. You’re already setting a good example for your children.

If you have school aged children, here are a few suggestions that might be helpful.

School activities – Ask your children what type of activities they might be interested in and let them decide if they’d like to participate. If your child is older, you might suggest things like team sports such as soccer, baseball, basketball, football and wrestling or you can even join the swim team. Although these activities are geat for both genders, some children might not be interested in team sports. In that case, there are other opportunities such as gymnastics, dance classes, karate and tennis or volleyball.

Regardless of your child’s age, never force them to do something that they’re not ready to do. Doing so will only sabotage them to fail before they begin.

If you have younger children or maybe your income is limited, there are lots of things you can do. Let’s discuss a few helpful hints to make family time into fun time.

Rather than watching TV after dinner, take a leisurely walk with your kids. Pet owners, take your dog with the family for a stroll around the block, shoot hoops in the driveway, jump rope, play catch or toss around the Frisbee. On the weekends, you can go for a bike ride, take a hike or to swimming at the local YMCA.

Healthy Nutrition – Even in a busy world, it’ up to you as a parent to find the time to prepare healthy and nutritious meals for your children. Make a grocery list, plan your menus carefully and read the labels.

Fresh is always better! So when you’re pushing you’re shopping cart down the produce isle, check out all the beautiful colors of fruits and vegetables.

Each color provides most of the vitamins and minerals for your optimal health, so fill your cart with lots of delicious produce.

It’s not to say that you have to stop

Healthy children mean happier and more confident individuals.

I’ve had many articles published at Fitness Plus Magazine. Here’s the link to view them if you want to check them out.   Currently, I just had my first short story published as an anthology in a book titled, “:Heartscapes”.

Yummy low-fat pecan waffles

Photo by sielju

Trimming your midriff is only one of the rewards from eating this satisfying snack

Pecans are a rich-flavored, buttery treat containing very few carbohydrates and no cholesterol or sodium. According to the new dietary guidelines to help slim down your waistline, four or five weekly servings are recommended. Other ways pecans can benefit your health include boosting brainpower, lowering cholesterol and improving heart health. Let’s take a closer look at each health-promoting benefit.

Boosting brainpower

Pecans contain vitamin E — a natural antioxidant that provides primary elements for neurological protection. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids that promote normal and healthy brain function. Researchers suggest regular consumption can protect against cell damage, enhance brainpower and help fight against diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Lowering cholesterol

The healthy, monounsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals, nutrients and antioxidants found in this tasty nut could be just what the doctor ordered to help lower cholesterol. You don’t need to go nuts; you only need a handful to increase HDL, good cholesterol, while decreasing LDL, or bad cholesterol.

Controlling weight

Nuts have always been given a bad rap because of the high fat content, but studies show that the high amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in nuts can promote weight loss. Because they’re healthy fats, you’ll feel full longer and not be as tempted to reach for the unhealthy fats found in junk food.

Supports heart health

Heart disease is considered the number-one killer in the country. Nutrition research has discovered by eating one ounce of nuts on a daily basis, you’re less likely to have cardiovascular disease. This crunchy snack can help reduce blood clots that can often lead to fatal heart attacks, thus improving the health of the lining of the arteries. Although the Food and Drug Administration doesn’t have proof that nuts reduce the risk of heart disease, they suggest the evidence to the food companies.

Now that you know all the benefits that this flavorful snack provides, go nuts for pecans. Grab a handful and reap the delicious benefits.

Nutritional facts and information – This healthy nut provides more than 19 vitamins and minerals including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A, folic acid, zinc and several of the B vitamins. Calories per serving size for 20 halves are 196; total fat is 20.4 grams. A serving has zero carbohydrates, no cholesterol or sodium and 2.6 grams of protein.

Pecans are no longer just for baking pies and cakes. You can add pecans to any of your favorite breads, casseroles and salads. The next time you make pancakes, toss in a few pecans for an additional fabulous flavor.

If you’re looking for a new pecan recipe to start your day, here’s one you’re sure to enjoy.

Yummy low-fat pecan waffles

1 and 1/4 cups wheat flour

1/4 cup wheat bran

2 and 1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1 whole egg

1 egg white

1 and /2 cups fat-free milk

2 tablespoons canola oil

1/2 cup chopped pecans

In a large bowl, combine the flour, bran and  baking powder. Using another bowl, combine the egg, egg white, milk and oil; add to the dry ingredients. Fold in pecans.

Add mixture into a pre-heated waffle iron until golden brown.

I’ve had many articles published at Fitness Plus Magazine. Here’s the link to view them if you wish to check them out. I also just had my first short story published as an anthology in book titled, Heartscapes”.

Good Heart Health

You already know that all nuts are good for your health, but when it comes to heart health, the walnut stands out above all the rest. Like all nuts, they have no cholesterol, few carbohydrates and are low in sodium. While they’re great for baking, make fabulous snacks and complement salads, they’re also high in calories and fat, so eating them in moderation is key.

Protect Your Heart

The unsaturated fats that are found in this heart smart nut, both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated are considered “good” fats and can lower LDL, (bad cholesterol) levels, thus, while boosting HDL, (good cholesterol), levels. It’s important to replace unhealthy saturated fats and incorporate walnuts as part of a healthy well-balanced diet. In comparison to other nuts, it only takes about seven walnuts to obtain the benefits from this regal nut.

Omega 3-fatty acids

The rich source of omega-3 fatty acids that are found in walnuts, decrease the risk of heart irregularities, plaque build-up and sudden death. They also contain large quantities of manganese and copper. Manganese is a mineral found in trace amounts in the human body, typically in the bones, liver, pancreas and kidneys. They also have important enzymes and antioxidants that help to fight free radical damage.

Lowering Cholesterol Properties

“Omega-3 fats directly control the size of LDL cholesterol particles in addition to oxidation properties that make the particles less cohesive, reducing the possibility to cause plaque. C-reactive protein (CRP) is noted to be a risk factor for heart disease and other heart problems,” says certified sports nutritionist, Lawrence Sanchez. “Walnuts can lower the risk by increasing the elasticity of arteries, thus reduce inflammation. What’s more, the omega 3’s can also help reduce triglycerides,” he adds. 

Vitamins and Minerals

The vitamins and minerals that are found these succulent nuts are in abundance. Rich supplies include A, B6, C, E calcium, iron and zinc. There are also considerable amounts of potassium, magnesium, selenium, folate and thiamin.

Weight Management

Because this mouth-watering snack is high in fiber, protein and healthy fats, it can help to manage your weight, simply by satisfying your hunger for longer periods. It takes approximately a handful, (30 grams) to satisfy your cravings. The end result is usually eating less food during the day. Furthermore, maintaining a healthy weight can help to keep your heart strong and in good physical shape. This does not mean that a few walnuts will counteract with an unhealthy diet.

The latest studies show that a moderate intake of healthy fats can be the outcome of a successful and long-term weight loss plan.

Nutritional Value

Walnuts contain 185 calories for a one-ounce serving, 18.49 grams of fat, 3.89 carbohydrates and 4.23 grams of protein.

Are you protecting your heart by eating these delectable nuts?

I’ve had many articles published at Fitness Plus Magazine. Here’s the link to view them if you want to check them out. Currently, I’ve just had my first short story published as an anthology in a book titled, “Heartscapes”.

It takes a lot of dedication and commitment, no matter what your age.

Photo by puck90

I thought it would be a good idea to start posting some of my published articles on my blog. For those of you who are interested, you can read them here. “Mastering Metabolism”, was one of my first articles published. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Mastering Metabolism

by Ann Blanton

If you want a metabolism that blasts through fat like a vehicle burns through fuel, you’ll have to eat more food and exercise in a certain way.

When foods are absorbed, they’re broken down into proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and then digested by the body. This allows the body to function, grow and repair itself.

Many individuals believe that their metabolism slows down with time. This is true, because people become more sedentary. Your metabolism naturally slows approximately five percent every 10 years. But, regardless of what pace your body’s metabolism has, good nutrition and exercise are necessary to keep your body in perfect balance.

You’ll notice a significant difference in your metabolic rate if you eat a healthy breakfast every day. “A healthy breakfast gives you energy to start your day, especially when taking in carbohydrates from cereal and fruit,” says registered nutritionist Geoffrey Axiak.

Consume most of your calories early in the day. If possible, make dinner your smallest meal. Doing this helps your body to process and burn food while you’re awake and moving around.

Water is the most important source of nourishment for your body. “Water before breakfast purifies the body and makes your metabolism more efficient,” explains Axiak.

Because water is the body’s lubricant, it flushes out toxins and keeps the kidneys functioning properly.

Foods such as celery, cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower are considered high-energy foods. “Fruits, especially grapefruits and apples, will boost your metabolism,” says Axiak. Whole grains such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, barley, oatmeal and popcorn also are high-energy foods.

Cardiovascular exercise is one way to stimulate your metabolism. It makes your body use more calories, because the large muscle groups need more calories to perform during your aerobic activity. When your body sees this increased need, it drives its energy need during regular activity. After weeks and months of requiring more energy, you may see results through increased fat loss.

“Resistance training can also increase your life expectancy because it increases your capabilities by keeping your joints, bones and muscles stronger for longer so you can do more of the things that make up living,” comments Jonathan Ross, 2010 Idea Personal Trainer of the Year. “Aerobic activity might save your life, but strength training makes it worth living.”

I’ve had many articles published at Fitness Plus Magazine. Here’s the link to view them if you want to check them out. Currently, I just had my first short story titled, “Shattered Spirits”, published as an anthology in a book titled, “Heartscapes”.