Ann Blanton Let's talk health, fitness, nutrition and everything in between

Posts Tagged ‘moderation

Nutritous fruits and vegetables

Nutritious fruits and vegetables

Photo by: starleigh


Good Nutrition for Adults

by Ann Blanton

Your body is the only home that you’ll truly ever own. Treat it like the temple that it is!

The first step to a healthy lifestyle is a well balanced nutritious diet. It doesn’t matter how old you are, if you want to live a life free from diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and most types of cancer, you need to get on the right track and learn healthy nutritional habits. If you have good eating habits, you can save yourself a lot of time visiting the doctor’s office.

People who eat healthy have a higher immune system than someone who has poor eating habits. Proper nutrition and a healthy immune system will keep you strong throughout your entire life time. Your immune system can be affected by many things such as environmental pollutants, pesticides, antibiotics, allergies, inflammation, and chronic fatigue. Healing can take place much sooner with a strong immune system. However, the only way this is impossible is by having proper nutritional health.

Try making small adjustments weekly and cut back on foods that you know can be harmful to your health. Add at least two healthy food items to your shopping list and always stock up on fruits and vegetables. It’s essential to include at least five fruits and veggies into your diet every day. Get rid of all temptation and leave the comfort foods behind. Have you ever heard the saying, “out of sight, out of mind?” Well it’s true; if it’s not in the pantry then you won’t be tempted.


Many foods have carbohydrates and are an excellent source of energy for your body. Learn the difference between the carbohydrates that are good for you versus the ones that are not. If you eat too many carbohydrates at once, it can cause your glucose level to be too high.

Good carbohydrates that are loaded with fiber 

1. Fresh fruits and vegetables in every color, shape and size

2. Whole grains such as brown rice, whole wheat bread and crackers, oatmeal and cereal

3. Dried peas, legumes and lentils. (These are also a great source of protein).

4. Non-fat or low fat dairy items such as milk, cheese, yogurt and margarine. Cook and bake with egg whites or egg substitutes

5. Wheat pasta, wheat flour and sweet potatoes

Carbohydrates to avoid

1. White bread

2. White rice and pasta

3. Fruit juices with sweeteners

4. Cakes, cookies, candy and chips

5. Regular soda

Good sources of protein

1. Lean meats and poulty without the skin

2. Low fat cheese, yogurt and eggs

3. Natural peanut butter and soy products such as tofu

4. Fish

Healthy fats are also heart healthy

1.  Nuts, almonds, walnuts and seeds

2. Fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel

3. Avocados

4. Olive oil

You don’t have to avoid foods that you crave altogether, just eat them in moderation.


I’ve had many articles published at Fitness Plus Magazine. Here’s the link to view them if you want to check them out. I’ve also had my first short story published titled, “Shattered Spirit”, as an anthology in a book titled, “Heartscapes”.

I always appreicate all your comments.


Photo by jurveston

Reverse the Epidemic of Childhood Obesity

by Ann Blanton

As we already know, the world has gotten quick and easy. These days, all it takes is a drive-through at McDonald’s, or popping something simple into the microwave with a push of a button.

For decades, lack of exercise and poor eating habits have increased the population of childhood obesity. It’s easy to recognize, but much more difficult to treat.

So what should we do to reverse the epidemic of childhood obesity?

In today’s society, it takes both parents working to make ends meet. This means less time to plan and prepare the proper nutrition and no time for exercise.

Today’s generation, spends more time watching TV, sitting at a computer and playing video games.

Hence, what does this mean for our children and adolescents who are overweight or obese? If we want our children to adopt a healthy lifestyle, isn’t it up to us as parents and grandparents to reverse the epidemic and set better examples?

It’s just as important for parents to include physical activity into their busy lifestyles too. After a busy day at the office, most parents neither have the time or the energy to exercise. So moms and dads, if you’re thinking you can get off the hook easily, think again.

When you think of exercise, you instantly think of a gym membership. You don’t need a health club or expensive equipment to incorporate physical activity into your children’s lifestyle. If you already belong to  gym, that’s great. You’re already setting a good example for your children.

If you have school aged children, here are a few suggestions that might be helpful.

School activities – Ask your children what type of activities they might be interested in and let them decide if they’d like to participate. If your child is older, you might suggest things like team sports such as soccer, baseball, basketball, football and wrestling or you can even join the swim team. Although these activities are geat for both genders, some children might not be interested in team sports. In that case, there are other opportunities such as gymnastics, dance classes, karate and tennis or volleyball.

Regardless of your child’s age, never force them to do something that they’re not ready to do. Doing so will only sabotage them to fail before they begin.

If you have younger children or maybe your income is limited, there are lots of things you can do. Let’s discuss a few helpful hints to make family time into fun time.

Rather than watching TV after dinner, take a leisurely walk with your kids. Pet owners, take your dog with the family for a stroll around the block, shoot hoops in the driveway, jump rope, play catch or toss around the Frisbee. On the weekends, you can go for a bike ride, take a hike or to swimming at the local YMCA.

Healthy Nutrition – Even in a busy world, it’ up to you as a parent to find the time to prepare healthy and nutritious meals for your children. Make a grocery list, plan your menus carefully and read the labels.

Fresh is always better! So when you’re pushing you’re shopping cart down the produce isle, check out all the beautiful colors of fruits and vegetables.

Each color provides most of the vitamins and minerals for your optimal health, so fill your cart with lots of delicious produce.

It’s not to say that you have to stop

Healthy children mean happier and more confident individuals.

I’ve had many articles published at Fitness Plus Magazine. Here’s the link to view them if you want to check them out.   Currently, I just had my first short story published as an anthology in a book titled, “:Heartscapes”.

Good Heart Health

You already know that all nuts are good for your health, but when it comes to heart health, the walnut stands out above all the rest. Like all nuts, they have no cholesterol, few carbohydrates and are low in sodium. While they’re great for baking, make fabulous snacks and complement salads, they’re also high in calories and fat, so eating them in moderation is key.

Protect Your Heart

The unsaturated fats that are found in this heart smart nut, both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated are considered “good” fats and can lower LDL, (bad cholesterol) levels, thus, while boosting HDL, (good cholesterol), levels. It’s important to replace unhealthy saturated fats and incorporate walnuts as part of a healthy well-balanced diet. In comparison to other nuts, it only takes about seven walnuts to obtain the benefits from this regal nut.

Omega 3-fatty acids

The rich source of omega-3 fatty acids that are found in walnuts, decrease the risk of heart irregularities, plaque build-up and sudden death. They also contain large quantities of manganese and copper. Manganese is a mineral found in trace amounts in the human body, typically in the bones, liver, pancreas and kidneys. They also have important enzymes and antioxidants that help to fight free radical damage.

Lowering Cholesterol Properties

“Omega-3 fats directly control the size of LDL cholesterol particles in addition to oxidation properties that make the particles less cohesive, reducing the possibility to cause plaque. C-reactive protein (CRP) is noted to be a risk factor for heart disease and other heart problems,” says certified sports nutritionist, Lawrence Sanchez. “Walnuts can lower the risk by increasing the elasticity of arteries, thus reduce inflammation. What’s more, the omega 3’s can also help reduce triglycerides,” he adds. 

Vitamins and Minerals

The vitamins and minerals that are found these succulent nuts are in abundance. Rich supplies include A, B6, C, E calcium, iron and zinc. There are also considerable amounts of potassium, magnesium, selenium, folate and thiamin.

Weight Management

Because this mouth-watering snack is high in fiber, protein and healthy fats, it can help to manage your weight, simply by satisfying your hunger for longer periods. It takes approximately a handful, (30 grams) to satisfy your cravings. The end result is usually eating less food during the day. Furthermore, maintaining a healthy weight can help to keep your heart strong and in good physical shape. This does not mean that a few walnuts will counteract with an unhealthy diet.

The latest studies show that a moderate intake of healthy fats can be the outcome of a successful and long-term weight loss plan.

Nutritional Value

Walnuts contain 185 calories for a one-ounce serving, 18.49 grams of fat, 3.89 carbohydrates and 4.23 grams of protein.

Are you protecting your heart by eating these delectable nuts?

I’ve had many articles published at Fitness Plus Magazine. Here’s the link to view them if you want to check them out. Currently, I’ve just had my first short story published as an anthology in a book titled, “Heartscapes”.