Ann Blanton Let's talk health, fitness, nutrition and everything in between

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The Benefits of Probiotics

by Ann Blanton

We all crave more energy to help us get through our busy lives. When the body is functioning normally, it takes approximately eighty percent of your energy to digest and eliminate the foods that you eat. No wonder so many people are dragging around by the end of the day.

According to Webster’s dictionary, Probiotics is defined as, “usually dairy food or a dietary supplement containing live bacteria that replaces or adds to the beneficial bacteria normally present in the gastrointestinal tract.” Probiotics also mean “for life”, which is why studies have proven that taking Probiotics is as necessary as taking a multi-vitamin.

You probably already know that good health begins in the digestive tract. The human body consists of trillions of bacteria and microorganisms typically in the gut. Individuals need to continually refill the good bacteria in the abdomen to boost balance in the digestion. The body stays healthy when intestinal floras flourish.

Chronic or acute conditions such as poor digestion, obesity, urinary tract infections and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) can become problematical if they’re not imbalanced. An overgrowth of the yeast fungus, also known as candidiasis, might also be a concern.

“Friendly” flora or “good” bacteria is found in the digestive tract, skin, mouth, rectum and the vagina. In other word, Probiotics keep our stomach, intestines and colon clean and healthy. It supports normal function of the colon, digestion, elimination of waste and prevents yeast, bacteria and parasites. When the “good” flora decreases, the “bad” bacteria and yeast take over. Once this happens, it throws the entire digestive tract off balance; causing the body to become prone to illness, Candida, yeast infection and digestive problems.

Frequently, antibiotics can also kill the “good” bacteria in the large intestine, which makes disease more susceptible. Physicians should always recommend Probiotics in combination while taking antibiotics.

Bad eating habits, chlorinated drinking water, stress, a low immune system, steroids and birth control pills are factors that can interrupt the healthy balance with the bacteria in the body.

Improves digestion 

In order for the body to fight off infection, improve digestion. elimination and boost the immune system, you might want to include Probiotics into your diet. By taking Probiotics, they also promote regularity and improve mineral absorption.

There are many sources of Probiotics available in pill form, capsule, liquid or powder. Foods that contain Probiotics include fermented products. Webster’s dictionary defines fermented as: “any of a group of living organisms, as yeasts, molds and certain bacteria that cause fermentation.”  Many of these products may already be included in your diet, such as sour cream, yogurt with live cultures and cultured buttermilk. It’s known that “good” bacteria in yogurt can help with diarrhea, gas and bloating. Those who are lactose intolerant and have difficulty digesting milk products, may find drinking acidophilus milk easier to tolerate.

Has this information been useful in learning the advantages thatProbiotics can provide?  What benefits have you gained?

I’ve had many articles published at Fitness Plus Magazine. Here’s the link to view them if you want to check them out. Currently, I’ve just had my first short story published as an anthology in a book titled, “Heartscapes”.